German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (DBSV e.V.)

Yearbook Weitersehen

The German association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV e.V.) is something like the mother of all support unions for blind and visually impaired people. For over 100 years, as an umbrella organization, the DBSV advocates the needs and matters of those who see in a different way. Of course, a mother ship like this is traveling fully loaded with stories. We are making sure that those stories are read.

For some years now, we design together with DBSV e.V. its annually published book in which blind and visually impaired people have a say, social processes get examined and policy makers get addressed. The constantly changing coverage of new aspects like culture, mobility, or education make the live through different eyes visible.

To make the book accessible to as many members of the DBSV e.V. as possible but also to the interested public we design it „all incl.“. Clear layout, big type, explaining illustrations, photography, barrier free PDF and a supporting DAISY-CD – all of this inkl.Design offers one-stop.

Photo of a blind man frolicking on a lawn with his guide dog.
Photo of page 7 with the full-page illustration "The world of the sighted is our world too". It shows: two young people, one of them blind, on their way home from shopping, a blind girl with a guide dog walking to their right and, again, a blind young person with an iPod next to her. All fashionably dressed and walking independently.
A blue colour surface
Detail photo of the caption "To love films, you don't have to see them
Photo of a hand-drawn illustration of a footballer.
Photo with view of the cover of a DBSV yearbook
Photo of a blind man orientating himself at the floor guidance system in a railway station with a blind man's long stick
A hand-drawn illustration of a poem about the pitfalls of a journey entitled "A train journey, it's funny". It shows a blind man with walking boots and a blind man's stick, half sitting on a portly woman.
One dark green coloured area
Detail photo of the cover of an issue page presenting the grade transfer service DACAPO.
Quote from the State Councillor for Culture of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen Lippe, Dr Barbara Rüschoff-Thale: "Inclusion really has to start in the minds.
Photo with the covers of "Weitersehen" 2010 to 2016
Detail photo of a double page spread with an article. On the right side the headline "On the way to an inclusive school", next to it a portrait photo of a blind child reading at school.

Accessibility in Detail

Illustration of an exemplary double page of the yearbook on which the visually impaired-friendly design elements are highlighted. The following are highlighted: the clearly recognisable heading, the centre line separating columns of text, arrow icons at the end of a page pointing to the continuation of the article on a subsequent

A Glance at the Book

View of the cover of "Weitersehen 2022" with the focus on experiencing culture and inclusion as well as the Daisy CD for the magazine.
Detail view of a section of the cover of Weitersehen 2017, on which the title can also be seen in Braille.
View of the double-page spread of an article on inclusion at school. On the left, a photo of a happy-go-lu.
Detail of the headline of an issue page. A field report with the headline "I've liked TV since I was blind
The singer Joanna Zimmer introduces herself. On the left, a photo in a summer outfit with large sunglasses; on the right, a self-portrait written by her.
Detail photo of an issue page with a strikingly designed headline "There's music in this week" and a colour illustration of musicians


Two individual photos arranged side by side: On the left, Mrs Renate Reymann next to parked cars in front of the theatre in Schwerin. On the right, a portrait of a friendly smiling Klaus Hahn in front of a grey wall.
Group photo of tourists in Berlin - two adult blind brothers and a blind wife with a sighted daughter. They are standing on the platform in front of a red double-decker regional express.
Two individual photos arranged side by side: On the left, a visually impaired woman with a mobile phone in her hand and headphones in her ear. In the background a bridge on which a red train is running. On the right, a blind man with a long cane in his hand in front of a parapet. Behind, a harbour complex with ships, cranes and a lighthouse.


Image of a hand-drawn illustration: two young people, one of them blind, on their way home from shopping, a blind girl with a guide dog walking to their right and, again, a blind young person with an iPod next to her. All fashionably dressed and walking independently.
Illustration of a comic strip: Three blind adults make music - a saxophonist, a coloured blind pianist and singer, and a blind guitarist.
Illustration of an instruction for attaching replaceable foils to mark the menu lines at the serving points
Hand-drawn illustration for an article on the Marrakesh Treaty, subheading "The way out of book distress". It shows a world map with mountains, trees, ships, planes and birds. In the different regions of the world, people are shown reading in different ways.

Project Details

Project Scope: Development of a user friendly layout concept for visually challenged readers, recurring annually: layout and graphic design, illustration, photography, image editing, production management